Tuesday, 15 November 2011


Today, we continue to learn multisim. The electonic circuit tha that haven't done yesterday we continue draw it at the begin of the class. But because of many people do not saved the drawed circuit, so En. Redzuan want us to do a new circiut by using multisim.
The new circuit has two IC so I feel it is more complicated to draw it. En.Redzuan also mentioned us the different of electronic and electric.

After this, En.Redzuan tell us so many funcrion switches at the right handed side of the Multisim window. There are multimeter, oscilloscope, function generator and many otherelse. This all features have 3D look, just like the real apparatus. This software designer is very good guy because he design this software by insert a lot real things that make me feel this software is interest and funny.

Then we learn about Ultiboard. First we need to make all the component that we had contributed becomes real. Because the component that we draw has two types which are real and virtual. After that, we can transfer all the component to ultiboard. In Ultiboard, we have to design the shape of the board first. Some was design a Mickeymouse shape , robot shape, animal shape. My one is a round circle shape with some different size of circle hole. And then we can the component on the board in 3D view. I can rotate the board in all direction.

For the ultiboard, we just can learn a little bit only because lack of time. I am vey excited for the coming ultiboard lesson.


Today, we has the first lesson to the workshop.Before begin of the class, we need to tick the survey which states the condition of our study. First we learn the software which called Multisim. This sotware help the user to analys their designed circuit. En. Redzuan tell us the history of the Multiasim. Multisim have alot of version. Now is already version 11.The version thaat we can from the computer in the lab is version 10.

After that, En. Redzuan tell us the switches on the multisim. First we learn how to insert the component inside the shematic. When we switch to insert components, we can choose many typesof components. There has diode, basic, transistor, mixed and so on. En. Redzuan give a shematic graf of a circuit and then want us to draw it. Sometime it is so difficult to find the wanted component. En. Redzuan us a lot  to find the components.

After we draw th circuit, we can test the circuit function or not. Just click run, then the LED on the circuit will ligthed. The most interest thing is that when we connect the LED with a high voltage, the LED will burnt out. This software is funny.

We also draw a new circuit which contain a buzzer. When we click run, the component will give out sound of the buzzer. We can also adjust the frequency of the buzzer, when we set high frequency, the computer give a high tune.

A lot of things can learn from ESE course. I feel interesting.

Thursday, 3 November 2011


Today, the new lecturer teaching us. His name is En. Rasli. He show us a powerpoint slide about of electronic compounds. We are exposed to a lot of things. First, we see about OLED(Organic Ligth Emitting Diode). It is future technology which can bended because it is flexible. And also can be cut a piece of it, the remaining screen of OLED still can function.

We also see about FPGA.Its full sentence is field programmable gate array. It is RAM based and programmable. It can applied on digital signal processing, software-defined radio and so on.

Then, there is slide about power electronics. It is combinationengineers between power and electronics. It is concerns in power level rathan than signal level. PE component have a ot of types. For e.g. SCR, BJT, GTO, IGBT, JFET, and otherelse. It can be applied in many sector like residental, commersial, industrial, transportation, utility system and else.

The last electronic component introduced todayis IC chips. It can minimize the number of electronic component in a electric circuit.

I hope that later En. Rasli will teach us more detailed about these all electronic components.tq^^